Being new to a church can be difficult, maybe even a bit overwhelming. So, we’ll do our best to help you feel welcomed.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What time is church?
The Sunday Worship Celebration begins at 10:00 AM and is approximately 70 minutes in length. Feel free to enjoy coffee, tea, or hot chocolate before and after church.
How should I dress?
Wear whatever fits your style, custom, and/or culture. Sunday mornings are worshipful yet casual, so feel free to dress comfortably.
What are the people like?
The people at ACC make up a blend of ages, nationalities, cultures, and church backgrounds. All are welcomed at ACC.
Where do the kids go?
Elementary aged children are welcome to join our Community Kids, offered every Sunday and located in the classrooms downstairs. Our Community Kids teachers will be joyfully ready to meet you.
Middle School and High School students remain with the adults in the Worship Celebration on Sundays. CLICK HERE to learn about other youth group opportunities.
What’s the worship like?
ACC’s bilingual (English and Spanish) Worship Celebrations at ACC are focused on Jesus, The MUSIC is more contemporary and led by ACC worship band. COMMUNION is served on the first Sunday of each month.
How does the bilingual service work?
The Worship Celebrations are designed to be in English and Spanish together. Under the guidance of our amazing worship leader, songs are a blend of both languages (but everyone is encouraged to sing in the language they feel most comfortable). The sermon is skillfully interpreted by a person standing next to the preacher, in a “back-and-forth” speaking format.
Pastor John on why ACC is bilingual.
What’s the teaching like?
Messages at ACC are expository, engaging, and full of Spirit-filled application. They are simple enough for children to follow along, and deep enough to strengthen your walk with Christ.
How do I give to ACC?
Tithes and offerings can be given securely online or via the Church Center app. Donation boxes are also available on Sunday mornings for those wanting to give with check/cash.