Join a Ministry Teams and help ACC MODEL & DECLARE Jesus.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”
Known as our highest priority group, these praying warriors serve before and after our Sunday Celebrations.
~Connect with the PRAYER TEAM~
This creative team works hard to actively and effectively engage ACC in both local outreach and global mission.
~Connect with the MISSIONS TEAM~
These fun-loving teams of adults are committed to seeing the next generation grow and thrive in Christ.
~Connect with the YOUTH TEAM and/or COMMUNITY KIDS TEAM ~
Our team of smiling faces help make this church a welcoming and friendly experience each week.
~Connect with the HOSPITALITY TEAM~
We're blessed to own this building. Our team of handymen and handywomen help keep her beautiful.
~Connect with the FACILITY TEAM~
The sights and sounds of our Worship Celebrations are largely due to our tech team "Lights! Camera! and Action!"
~Connect with the TECH TEAM~
Skilled musicians and vocalist humbly provide direction for all in the congregation to worship God in spirit and in truth.
~Connect with the MUSIC TEAM~