ACC joyfully makes our facility available to other local churches and local organizations serving our community. Here are our community friends…





The Schole Center is a learner-centered, experience-based and project-driven alternative education program for homeschooling families of innovative children who wish to benefit from meaningful educational and social enrichment as part of a community of learners.


KidRealm offers the finest summer camps, after-school enrichment programs and day camps in the area. With activities created just for Kidrealm, your kids will have a unique experience that will not be duplicate anywhere else.


Capitol Tong Soo Do offers this unique form of martial arts in Arlington, VA with the aim of enhancing your physical and mental health. With classes for adults and children, Capitol TSD is definitely worth checking out. 


Kaizen Karate specializes in karate instruction for children of all ages and for adults with a focus on fitness and self-defense. Their goal is to provide safe, fun, and exciting classes for all of the students in the spirit of continuous improvement.


Green Horizons has proudly served the Northern Virginia area for over fifteen years with professional and artisanal grounds work.  Their services are customized to demonstrate your yard, garden, patio, or recreational area at its fullest potential.


Arlington Tree Care is a locally based tree company here in Arlington, VA. Their objective is to provide a seasonal maintenance program to promote the natural health and growth for the life of your trees.